Our school

A friendly preschool & day nursery 
in Exeter

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Passionate childcare providers in Exeter

Promoting fun learning, creative thinking  and strong values

Stoke Hill Pre-School & Day Nursery is an independent purpose built preschool nursery in Exeter, offering outstanding education and care for children across Devon, aged from 0-5 years. Our approach is one that is personally tailored to the individual needs of your child. We aim to provide them with a smooth transition from their home life to school life and give them the nurturing and support they need.

Give your child the best possible start!

Stoke Hill Pre-School & Day Nursery encourages children from across Devon to learn through play and stimulate their minds with a wide range of resources in our play areas. There is a secured nature area, where inquisitive little minds can explore the world around them, and themed role play areas where children can discover new characters and build on their imaginative skills. 

Fuelling your child's imagination is especially important and all our children enjoy using our kitchen facilities, learning about nutrition and where their food comes from. We spend lots of time cooking and often the children choose their own recipes of which we use our own home grown produce.  Please let us know about any special dietary requirements. We are a Nut, peanut and egg free setting offering a vegetarian menu. If you'd like to arrange a visit, contact our nursery in Exeter today. We welcome children from across Devon.
School day
Our policies are reviewed annually and in line with our terms and conditions, see Model on Parents Page.
The chair of the management committee agreed these policies in June 2022.

If you would like to view any of the policies, please email us at admin@stokehillpreschool.co.uk and request a copy or they can be viewed within the setting.

We are an "Outstanding Nursery" - as rated by OFSTED in 2022, 2016, 2012 and 2008

Boy smiling
What OFSTED outlined in its report in 2016?
  • 'Every child makes exceptional progress in their learning. They rapidly learn new skills that supported their next stage of learning and make them school ready'
  • 'Every child's behaviour is exemplary and they are kind and considerate towards each other. Staff nurture children's independence and sense of responsibility superbly throughout the day'
  • 'Every child demonstrates great confidence as they enjoy a wonderful range of exciting and interesting activities, both indoors and outdoors, which are very suited to their individual learning styles'
  • 'Effective self-evaluation includes the views of staff, children and parents. Safeguarding is effective. Staff have an excellent understanding of how to protect children's welfare'

We put the 'care' in childcare

At Stoke Hill Pre-School we ensure your child gets a good head start for school. To arrange a visit, contact our preschool & day nursery in Exeter on
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